Detailing Series

Base of Wall Detail – Adhered Brick Veneer

CMU Backing, Lath and Scratch Coat

This detail illustrates the condition of the base of the wall for adhered brick veneer over concrete masonry (CMU) backing. A continuous air/moisture/vapor barrier (WRB) over the CMU includes a transition membrane at the control joint, providing air and moisture resistance.

Continuous insulation provides thermal control to supplement the natural thermal mass of the masonry backing. Used as a rainscreen device, the drainage mat with protective filter fabric allows moisture to escape the wall via the corrosion-resistant perforated weep screed at the horizontal termination. The WRB is applied over the weep screed in a shingle fashion. A self-furring lath embedded in a scratch coat of mortar reinforces the veneer system. The veneer adheres to the reinforced scratch coat with a bond coat of polymer-modified mortar. The joints between the units may be pointed using masonry mortar.



Primary Material

  • Brick

Backing Material

  • CMU

Detail Location

  • Base of Wall

Assembly Type

  • Adhered Veneer


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