Detailing Series

Top of Wall Detail – Anchored Brick Veneer

CMU Backing, Metal Coping

This detail illustrates a parapet condition including the roof termination into the masonry wall and the top of wall termination. The roof system terminates with the roof counterflashing engaging with the masonry flashing, providing moisture protection for the wall and roof assemblies while allowing each assembly to be independent of the other. Insulation and air/moisture/vapor barrier are continuous across the masonry and roof systems, and the top course of CMU below the bond beam is stuffed with insulation providing defense against thermal and moisture transfer. A durable metal coping protects the top of the wall as it engages with a metal cleat on the face of the masonry at both sides of the parapet.



Primary Material

  • Brick

Backing Material

  • CMU

Detail Location

  • Roof - wall interface

Assembly Type

  • Anchored Veneer


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