- Detail
- 3D Model
This base of wall detail shows a flexible thru-wall flashing mechanically fastened to the CMU backup through a termination bar, with a continuous bead of sealant along the top of the term. bar. The exposed portion of the flashing is a sheet metal drip edge secured held in place by mastic or sealant, with a hemmed edge, extending from the face of the stone veneer about 1/2″. The flashing has an 8″ (nominal) vertical leg, and weep vents are spaced at 24″ o.c. There is an air/moisture/vapor barrier on the cavity side of the CMU with a self-adhering transition membrane over the vertical control joint, providing continuity of the air barrier. 2″ rigid insulation resides in the drainage cavity. A full-height drainage mat with filter fabric allows for unobstructed drainage and guards against mortar bridging to the backing; this is of particular concern due to the varying thickness of the stone. This detail also illustrates a vertical movement joint comprising a control joint in the CMU backing and an expansion joint in the stone veneer.