02.010.0801: Masonry Wall Cap - Single Wythe CMU This detail shows a concrete masonry (CMU) wall, top of wall detail. The wall cap is anchored to the grouted wall with a vertical dowel through the flashing, which is then sealed around the dowel penetration. The flashing is shown as a flexible material for the through-wall [...]
02.010.0313: Base of Wall - Single Wythe Block, Proprietary Flashing/Weeps This detail shows an 8” (nominal) split face concrete masonry (CMU) wall, base of wall condition. A proprietary system of flashing and weeps resides at the bottom of the cells, with mesh inserts to keep mortar from interfering with water exiting the wall through the [...]
02.010.0301: Foundation Dowel Alignment This detail shows a concrete masonry (CMU) wall in partial longitudinal section. In case the foundation dowels do not coincide with the center of the CMU cells, dowels may be bent 1” laterally for every 6” vertically. Vertical reinforcement overlaps the dowels to achieve sufficient development strength per structural design. DOWNLOAD [...]
09.070.0101: Stucco Assembly - Direct Applied, Concrete Masonry This detail shows a three coat Portland cement stucco assembly direct-applied to a backup of concrete masonry with flush joints. A 1/4" scratch coat and 1/2" brown coat make up the base coat, with a finish coat on the surface. DOWNLOAD DETAILDynamic 3D Detail Explore this detail [...]