Detailing Series

Wall Type – Terra Cotta Rainscreen

CMU Backing

This wall system illustrates a ventilated rainscreen facade of terra cotta panels with a backing of concrete masonry. The CMU backing may be grouted and reinforced per the structural design. The continuous air/moisture/vapor barrier over the CMU, including vertical control joints treatment, provides air and moisture resistance. The engineered, adjustable aluminum track system is anchored to the backing with structural clip angles and is separated with thermal isolators to avoid heat transfer. Continuous insulation resides in the wall cavity, providing excellent thermal control. The joints between terra cotta panels are left open, providing back ventilation for the pressure-equalized wall system. The large module terra cotta cladding units provide a durable rainscreen with a contemporary architectural appeal.



Primary Material

  • Terra Cotta

Backing Material

  • CMU

Detail Location

  • Whole Wall

Assembly Type

  • Rainscreen

Assembly: Wall

Primary Material: Terra Cotta

Backing Material: CMU

Detail Location: Whole Wall

Assembly Type: Rainscreen


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